As Businesses are getting more involved and dependent on social media, internet presence, mobile devices and due to the latest Coronavirus outbreak and the need for accommodating the employees with the option to work from home, Data Security became more important and most of all a necessity.
As a result we are seeing now more laws and regulations insisting on applying data security in organizations and businesses, such as the GDPR, Government / Federal acts for Personal Data Security Laws, HIPPA and and many others.
What are the risks for not applying the Data Security Requirements?
Legal Liability – Such as Legal suits, fines and many other forms.
Bad Reputation – Loosing Credibility and / or confidence of your clients and suppliers which leads to loosing / closing your business.
Vulnerabilities – By not Securing your systems you are most likely to get 10 times more attacks than any other secure system, the worst part of it is that you may be hacked and data stolen from your systems without you even noticing. Keeping in mind that not all hackers wants to infect your systems with ransomware some just may want to keep you working as usual while they implement back doors to keep extracting information from your systems and using it in many other methods.
Attacks – as mentioned already not secure systems are vulnerable and all vulnerable systems are like magnet to attacks, can be from the internet, internal, or even from your or employee’s personal devices.
Compromised Suppliers – If your suppliers are compromised then your systems are compromised as well. be careful how you choose your suppliers especially (Internet, Infrastructure, Cloud, Technology, equipment and devices providers) all or any of these suppliers if they do not delivery a secure solution or a solution that can be secured as per the regulation is a possible source of attack and data theft.
Having Second thoughts about your data security?
Your Data is your business’s currency, without data your business is bankrupted. Even worth, sometimes to get back your data might even cost you three times more than the money you have to spend in building and securing it. Is it worth loosing it or risking it?
The best way to approach data security for your business is to consult an expert who can work with you and build a secure system where you can store your data and keep you compliant with all laws and regulations.
Please feel free to drop a message for a free assessment of your data security compliance.